Friday, March 15, 2013

Tips from the Trainer - The Recall Command

Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League, tips from the trainer, adopt a dog west Palm Beach
Recall is the most valuable command you can teach!  This command can even save your dog’s life! Teaching a recall is easy—just reward your dog for coming to you! 

Start by kneeling a few feet away and making happy noises. Praise when the pup takes her first step toward you and give her a yummy treat when she gets to you. Run a few feet away and repeat the process. Make it a fun game! When she’s reliably coming to you, start using your cue.

Add distance and distractions to the recall. Calling a young puppy from across the yard when she is exploring a new, interesting scent is setting yourself and your pup up to fail. Walk to within a few feet, kneel down, and call her from there—and make sure to reinforce her for abandoning the distraction with something even better.

Success comes from repetition. Don’t increase your distance or distractions until your dog responds immediately and enthusiastically to the recall cue. While you’re training, remember to give a super-good reward every time you call your dog.

Kristi Jackson is the Senior/Lead Trainer at Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League. To find out more about our classes, visit
Want more training tips? Stay tuned for the next issue of our Shaggy Sheet Newsletter.

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